10 essential tips to help you overcome the twin flame ‘crisis stage’

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‍The twin flame journey can be a painful and challenging experience.

There will be ups and downs, twists and turns, highs and lows… it’s all part of the process.

Especially the so-called ‘crisis stage’ is a big obstacle in many twin flames’ relationships.

Here are tips to overcome the twin flame crisis stage:

1) Recognize you are going through a rough phase

This is a very important step.

Yes, this might be a ‘crisis’ for you, but it’s only a phase for you and your twin flame.

Recognizing that this is a rough phase for you and it’s not permanent will help reduce the stress and anxiety around this.

It’s not easy, but try to put yourself in your twin flame’s shoes and see it from their point of view.

What are they feeling? Are they going through something? What is their current state?

Remember it’s not personal, it’s just a time where you’re both going through something.

Now: lots of twin flames try to pretend that everything is okay and that they’re fine.

But that’s not reality. It doesn’t work. You and your twin flame are going through something and it’s not easy for you.

You can’t force a person to be happy or pretend that everything is okay when something is really not okay for them.

So try to be understanding and compassionate but also understand that this won’t go on forever.

You see, the positive thing about the crisis stage is that it is only a phase in your twin flame journey.

It won’t last forever and it will pass. You need to accept that this is a difficult time for your twin flame.

And you need to be patient. It might take weeks, or months to get through this phase, but it will pass eventually.

2) Communicate and explore your feelings with your twin flame

One of the first things you should do if you’re going through a rough patch is talking to your twin flame about it.

Communicating with your partner will not only help you understand what you’re going through, but it will also help your twin flame understand.

You don’t need to hold back and keep your feelings bottled up, because that will only lead to frustration, resentment and resentment.

This can lead to a breakdown of your relationship. Find a time when you’re both relaxed and not stressed out, and talk to your twin flame.

Try to not blame them, but take responsibility for your feelings and state.

Ask them what they are feeling and what is going on for them.

Find out what they are going through, maybe they are dealing with past issues that are surfacing.

Perhaps you are going through something and they are reacting to that, or vice versa. The important thing is communicating and exploring your feelings.

You see, during a crisis stage, both twin flames are usually also battling their own demons.

You see, even though you’re going through something, your twin flame is also dealing with issues and emotional baggage from their past.

You’re not the only one who is going through a rough patch, so be patient and try to understand that this is just a phase.

If you’re getting frustrated, angry, and sad don’t push it on your twin flame because it will only make them feel more hurt and confused.

Instead, talk about what you are both going through so that you can find ways to connect even in a time of crisis!

3) What would a gifted advisor say?

The points we cover in this article will give you a good idea of what you can do during a twin flame crisis.

But since your situation is unique to you, the best thing you can do is get tailored advice.

That’s why we recommend getting a personalized psychic reading to really address the issues you’re facing.

The key, however, is finding someone trustworthy to speak to.

After a really challenging time in my love life, I found that speaking to an advisor from Psychic Source gave me the strength and motivation to get my life back on track.

The advisor I spoke to was kind, understanding of my situation, and genuinely helpful.

My love reading shed light on my situation in a way I wasn’t able to see on my own, and I was finally able to clear my head and heal my heart.

Click here to get your own personalized love reading.

Not only can a gifted advisor tell you whether you can push through this crisis, but they can reveal all your future love possibilities. 

4) Try to understand what’s causing these feelings

Sometimes you don’t know why you are going through a rough phase.

You try to talk to your twin flame about it, but they don’t seem to understand what you’re going through.

Maybe they just think you’re being a whiny brat.

It can be very frustrating to not know what’s causing these feelings.

But it doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with you or that you are doing something wrong.

It just means that your twin flame is not in a place where they can understand what you’re going through.

This is why it’s important to take it easy on yourself and your twin flame.

There are many things that can cause these feelings: past lives surfacing, childhood issues that are being triggered, changes in the astral plane, and so on.

Your twin flame isn’t going through what you’re going through, and vice versa. It’s important to understand what’s causing these feelings.

Now: if you can’t get to the bottom of what your twin flame is feeling, you can try and find out why you are feeling the way you are.

This is not always easy, but it can be very helpful nonetheless.


If you are feeling a lot of pain, it might be because you are remembering something that happened in your past life.

You might have been through a painful experience and your twin flame is experiencing the same thing.

This can lead to a lot of frustration and anger on both sides.

It’s important to try and understand why these feelings are happening so that you can start to work through them together.

This way, you can help each other heal faster, and get to the bottom of what’s causing these feelings.

And the best part?

You will get through the crisis stage quickly and without any issues!

5) Do something you enjoy together as a couple

One of the easiest things to do when you’re going through a rough phase is to do what you enjoy together as a couple.

Maybe you always wanted to go on a trip to a particular destination, now is the time to do it.

Or you’ve always wanted to learn a new skill together, now is the time to do so.

It can be anything, as long as you are enjoying it together as a couple.

This will help you get through the rough phase together as a couple.

It will bring you closer together and allow you to have some fun and enjoy each other’s company while you’re going through a rough patch.

When you have fun together, it brings positive energy into your relationship and helps you get through the rough patches when they arise.

It will also help you get through the rough phase faster as you will be having fun and enjoying your time together.

You see, doing fun things together reminds you of why you are in this relationship in the first place.

It’s a reminder of the love you have for each other and why you are together, which can help you get through a rough patch much quicker and more positively than if you did nothing at all.

6) Don’t take anything personally – It’s not about you!

One of the most important things to remember is that when you are going through a rough phase, it’s not about you.

It’s about your twin flame and what they are going through, but their actions aren’t necessarily targeted at you as a person and vice versa.

It’s easy to start feeling that your twin flame doesn’t love you anymore, or that they don’t want you in their life.

It’s easy to start thinking that your twin flame doesn’t want to be with you anymore. But it’s not true.

Remember, it’s not about you. It’s about your twin flame.

They are going through something, they are going through a rough patch.

Your relationship will come out stronger on the other side of this, so don’t take anything personally.

Your twin flame loves you and they want to be with you. They are just going through a heavy phase and they need space and time to get through it.

You see, for your twin flame, it feels the exact same way. They might think you don’t love them anymore when in reality, you are simply going through a rough patch.

Your twin flame loves you and they want to be with you. They are just going through a heavy phase and they need space and time to get through it. 

7) Stay grounded and don’t lose yourself

It’s easy to lose yourself when you’re going through a rough phase.

You get so caught up in your emotions and what you’re going through that you forget about yourself and your needs.

This is when it’s important to stay grounded and to take care of yourself.

It’s important to take care of yourself during this time, so that you don’t lose yourself.

During your twin flame journey, many parts of you will be activated, and many issues and aspects of you will be brought up to the surface.

It’s important to work through these issues and to process them, so that you don’t lose yourself.

During these heavy phases, you will be dealing with old wounds, emotions and issues that have been with you for lifetimes.

Some of these issues will be very old and deep seated in your subconscious.

They may have been with you since childhood, or they may be issues that are more recent.

It’s important to work through these issues and to heal them so that you don’t lose yourself.

The best way to work through these issues is with a trained therapist and/or a spiritual teacher who can guide you through the process.

It’s not easy to do this alone, but it’s very doable with help.

You see, most importantly, try not to lose yourself.

You can get so caught up with trying to figure out what you want, what you need and how your relationship is going that you forget about yourself.

This is when it’s important to stay grounded and to take care of yourself.

It’s important to take care of yourself during this time so that you don’t lose yourself.

If that means taking a few days for yourself, then so be it!

Sometimes, a little bit of space can help you and your twin flame.

It’s important to take care of yourself during these times so that you don’t lose yourself.

You don’t have to be going crazy or being a negative person, just make sure that you are taking care of yourself.

You need to take time for yourself, even if you are going through a rough time in your relationship with your twin flame.

That’s why I recommend getting a personalized reading from one of the gifted advisors over at Psychic Source.

I mentioned them earlier.

They’ve been a great source of comfort and guidance when I’ve faced issues in my love life, and their specialist advisers are well trained in the area of twin flames.

So, what are you waiting for?

From giving you clarity on the situation to supporting you as you make life-changing decisions, these advisors will empower you to make decisions about your love life with confidence.

Click here to get your personalized love reading.

8) Communicate and don’t play the blame game

Sometimes when you’re going through a rough patch, you want to blame your twin flame for what you’re going through.

You want to blame them for not being there for you, for not understanding what you’re going through, for not being able to help you.

But blaming your twin flame for what you’re going through is a very bad idea, and it will only make your situation worse. It will create more distance between you, and it will breed resentment.

You see, during a twin flame crisis stage, nobody is to blame, really.

I mean, both partners have their flaws and their problems, but it’s important to work through them together.

It’s important to work through both of your issues so that you don’t lose yourself.

But it’s also important not to blame your twin flame for what you are going through.

You see, when you blame your twin flame for what you are going through it will only create more resentment and distance between the two of you.

It will make the situation worse and worse, not better and better. And that is definitely not what you want right now!

So instead of blaming your twin flame for what is happening in your relationship with them during this crisis stage, try to communicate with each other as much as possible.

Communicating with each other is a very good thing, and it will help both of you through this rough patch.

Try to communicate whenever you can, so that you can work through your issues together.

And don’t play the blame game when it comes to your twin flame.

It’s okay to be frustrated or angry about what is happening in your relationship during this crisis stage, but don’t let that drive a wedge between the two of you.

9) Take care of yourself when things are at their worst!

When things get really bad in your relationship with your twin flame, it’s important to take care of yourself first and foremost.

You see, when things get really bad in your twin flame relationship, nobody is going to take care of you like you would if they were the one who was going through this crisis stage with you!

You see, when you’re going through a twin flame crisis stage, nobody understands what you are going through like your twin flame will.

You need to be able to lean on your partner during this difficult time, but it’s also important for them to be able to lean on you and take care of themselves.

When things get really bad in the relationship, it’s important for the two of you to take care of each other first and foremost.

Focus on your spirituality during this time, since you need to keep your mind clear of negative thoughts and feelings.

You see, when you are going through a twin flame crisis stage it’s important for you to be able to get in touch with your spirituality and your inner self.

You need to be able to listen to your intuition and know what is right for you at this time.

And it’s also important for the two of you not to lose yourself in the process of going through a twin flame crisis stage.

10) Be in the moment and enjoy the ride – it’s only temporary

One of the best ways to deal with a rough phase is to be in the moment and enjoying the ride.

This means that you stay in the present moment, fully engaged and connected with what is happening.

You don’t live in the past nor the future, but are fully present.

Enjoying the present moment means that you are fully engaged with the activities you are doing.

Engaged doesn’t mean that you are thinking about your twin flame 24/7 – be in the moment and enjoy your activities.

This will not only help with the rough phase you are going through, but it will also help your twin flame relax and be more engaged with you.

When you are in the present moment, you are being authentic and real.

There is no room for drama, tension, or anxiety when you are being in the moment.

You are being yourself and fully engaged with what is happening right now.

This will help you and your twin flame come closer together and enjoy each other’s company.

And the best part?

If you are in a phase where everything seems to be triggering past wounds, staying in the moment can really help you to work through these triggers and heal.

The thing is, at the moment, there are so many beautiful moments with your twin flame.

You are truly connecting and enjoying each other’s company.

That’s how you can get through the crisis stage together.

You will get through this

Remember, no matter what happens, you will get through this.

It’s a difficult time, but if you persevere and hold on to your love, you will get through this twin flame crisis stage without a problem.

Hopefully, you should now have a good idea of what to do in a twin flame crisis.

But if you’d still like to get more clarity on the situation, speaking to a gifted advisor is the best way to go.

I mentioned Psychic Source earlier. Based on my own personal experience with them, I know they’re the real deal. Their advisors are kind and genuinely helpful.

So, if you really want to get to the bottom of how to get through this, get in touch with an advisor and take your future into your own hands. I did, and it changed my life.

Click here to get your own love reading.

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