11 warning signs that your twin flame isn’t aware of the connection (yet)

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Are you in love with your twin flame? Do you feel as though there is an unbreakable connection between the two of you?

Do you feel like there’s a strong spiritual or cosmic connection that will not be broken?

If so, that’s great! Most people who discover their own twin flames feel exactly the same way.

However, this doesn’t mean that they are aware of the connection.

In fact, many twin flames don’t even realize they have found their other half until much later in life. Here are a few signs that your twin flame isn’t aware of the connection (yet).

1) They seem to be searching for something

Twin flames are very similar to magnets.

They are drawn to each other and cannot be kept apart.

However, if your twin isn’t aware of the connection yet, they will be constantly searching for something they cannot put their finger on.

They might have a strong feeling that they are missing something in their life, but they won’t know what it is.

Their heart and mind will constantly be telling them that there is something out there for them, but they won’t know what it is.

This can be frustrating for you, but also for them.

It can be a bit of a drag when you’re constantly feeling like you’re missing something but don’t know what it is.

This feeling can be especially draining when it comes to relationships. Your twin might feel attracted to you, but they won’t be able to fully figure out why.

You see, when it comes to your relationship, your twin flame might be looking for the clarity of knowing that you are their twin flame, but they aren’t aware of the connection yet, so they aren’t sure what they are waiting for.

This is usually the case for people who don’t know a lot about twin flames.

Maybe your partner isn’t very interested in reading about or discussing twin flames.

They might not even realize that they are a twin flame until later in life.

That’s why they also can’t find clarity – they feel strong emotions, but they just can’t put their finger on what is happening and why.

2) They are hesitant around you

If your twin isn’t aware of the connection, they will be extremely hesitant around you.

They might not trust the feelings they have for you, or they might be worried that being in a relationship with you will cause more harm than good.

Twin flames often have the capacity to change a person’s life in an incredibly positive way.

They can help people find their true passions, make a career change, or even find the path to self-love.

Unfortunately, this change is often too much for some people. In some cases, people will feel a bit of initial happiness, but then they will become overwhelmed by their feelings.

They might feel that their life is spiraling out of control and they don’t know how to bring it back.

This is just one of many reasons that your twin might be hesitant to get close to you.

Now: especially when they don’t know they are your twin flame yet, they might be hesitant to give into their feelings.

I mean it’s understandable – twin flame feelings are incredibly intense, and they might feel terrified of what they feel and not trust it fully.

If you really want to know if your twin flame is a match for you, then you should try to get them to open up about their feelings.

There are lots of ways to do this. You can ask them how they feel, or you can just let them talk about what they are feeling.

You might also try a little bit of flirting, but be careful not to push too hard and make this into something it isn’t.

3) What would a gifted advisor say?

The points we cover in this article will give you a good idea of whether your twin flame is aware of your connection or not.

But since your situation is unique to you, the best thing you can do is get tailored advice.

That’s why we recommend getting a personalized psychic reading to really address the issues you’re facing.

The key, however, is finding someone trustworthy to speak to.

After a really challenging time in my love life, I found that speaking to an advisor from Psychic Source gave me the strength and motivation to get my life back on track.

The advisor I spoke to was kind, understanding of my situation, and genuinely helpful.

My love reading shed light on my situation in a way I wasn’t able to see on my own, and I was finally able to clear my head and heal my heart.

Click here to get your own personalized love reading

Not only can a gifted advisor tell you whether your twin flame knows about your connection, but they can reveal all your future love possibilities.

4) They are only interested in casual relationships

If your twin is only interested in casual relationships, it could mean that they are not aware of the connection yet.

Some twin flames will feel the connection and will want to be involved in a serious relationship right away.

However, others will be very casual about it. This doesn’t mean that they don’t feel the connection, but it does mean that they either don’t understand it yet or they are not ready to act on it.

If you are in a serious or even long-term relationship, but your twin is only interested in casual relationships, it means they either don’t feel the connection or they don’t know what to do with it.

You see, twin flames usually commit to one another fully.

If your twin flame doesn’t want to do that, they are most probably not ready to commit yet.

This is frustrating but again, until they realize that you are their twin flame, they will not be ready for a committed relationship.

You might need to simply give them a bit more time to work this out.

This means that they need to be patient with you and allow you to work things out on your own.

You can also give them some time to get used to their feelings and figure out what they want to do with them.

5) You’ve told them about the connection and they didn’t believe it

If you have told your twin about the connection, but they don’t believe you, it might mean that they have not fully realized it yet.

Your twin might need more time to process what they are feeling before they can fully understand it.

This doesn’t mean that they don’t feel the connection, but it does mean that they don’t understand it yet.

Be patient with them. Give them the space they need to process their feelings, even if it is taking them a long time.

You might feel like you are constantly forcing the issue, but this isn’t good for your twin or for your relationship.

You see, you might have known about the concept of twin flames for a long time and were prepared when it finally happened, but they might not have.

If you are constantly pushing them to understand the connection, it could be very stressful for them and this could cause them to doubt what they feel.

This means that they might not be able to fully accept their feelings, which in turn could cause problems in your relationship.

It is also likely that they will not feel as strongly about you as you do about them.

You see, it’s better to give them some time to figure out what they believe in and then go from there.

6) They feel anxious or nervous around you

If your twin is aware of the connection but feels anxious or nervous energy around you, it could mean a few things.

This might mean that they are not attracted to you, but it could also mean that they are not ready for a serious relationship.

They might feel attracted to you, but they might not be ready to fully open themselves up to the possibility of getting hurt.

These are perfectly normal feelings, but if they are constant, they can be a sign that your twin is not aware of the connection yet.

You see, all in all, your twin flame might be nervous around you because they just feel so much love for you.

They might be afraid that they will let you down or that they will be unable to handle their feelings for you.

If this is the case, try to give them the space they need to process their feelings and then try again.

Twin flame relationships are incredibly intense, and it’s better to give them some time instead of pressuring yourself into them.

7) Their feelings for you scare them

If your twin is aware of the connection, they will feel incredibly attracted to you.

However, they might also feel a sense of pressure because of those feelings.

Either way, they will have an emotional response to the connection.

Some people will feel a sense of excitement and joy, while others might feel a bit panicky.

Those who are scared of the connection might be worried that the feelings are too intense and consuming.

They might feel like their feelings for you are too much to deal with or that they are not ready for a serious relationship.

If this sounds like your twin, they might be trying to keep their distance because they are scared of the connection they feel for you.

You see, twin flame emotions are incredibly powerful, and so it comes as no surprise that your twin flame might be terrified of their feelings.

It can be scary to realize how deeply you can love someone, but it’s also very exciting.

If your twin is aware of the connection, they will have a difficult time resisting their feelings for you.

They will want to be close to you and might even feel like they don’t deserve you, but if they are aware of the connection, there is a chance that they can overcome their fears.

8) They say they don’t know what they want out of the relationship

If your twin says that they don’t know what they want out of the relationship, this could mean that they are not yet aware of the connection.

This is a very common sign that your twin is not yet aware of the connection.

They might be attracted to you, but they don’t know how to handle those feelings.

They might also be interested in a serious relationship, but they don’t know what to do or how to make things work.

If you feel like your twin is dragging their feet or just isn’t ready, this could be why.

All in all, the attraction is there, but they aren’t aware that you are their twin flame just yet, so they get confused and overwhelmed by the feelings.

The result? They don’t know what they want.

That’s why I recommend getting a personalized reading from one of the gifted advisors over at Psychic Source.

I mentioned them earlier.

They’ve been a great source of comfort and guidance when I’ve faced issues in my love life, and their specialist advisers are well trained in the area of twin flames.

So, what are you waiting for?

From giving you clarity on the situation to supporting you as you make life-changing decisions, these advisors will empower you to make decisions about your love life with confidence.

Click here to get your personalized love reading.

9) They are not interested in spirituality

If your twin is not interested in spirituality, it could be a sign that they are not aware of the connection yet.

Most twin flames are incredibly interested in spirituality, whether they follow a particular religion or not.

They are usually drawn to spirituality because it is a way of life that lets them connect with their higher selves.

If your twin is not interested in being spiritually connected, they might not be aware of the connection just yet.

However, this doesn’t mean that they will never be interested. You might simply have to be patient with them.

Maybe your practices will inspire them to tap into their own spirituality a bit more.

One word of advice: never push them to anything! They need to discover their spirituality in their own time!

10) They are freaked out by your similarities

If your twin is aware of the connection, they will likely notice a few similarities between the two of you.

This is completely normal; twin flames often share the same interests, career paths, and even physical traits.

However, if your twin is not yet aware of the connection, they might be a bit freaked out by your similarities.

This can be a bit difficult for you, as it might seem like a negative sign.

However, it could also be a positive sign that your twin is preparing to realize the connection.

You see, when they are freaked out by your similarities, that also means that they realize that those similarities are there – which is a good thing!

11) You feel a strong bond, but they don’t

Along with being hesitant, some twin flames will not feel a strong bond with you, but they won’t be able to understand why.

This means that they will not feel like they have known you all their lives right away.

This can be incredibly frustrating for you, as it can feel like you have found your other half, but they don’t feel the same way.

This is a difficult situation.

Sometimes, it means that the person you think is your twin flame actually isn’t.

However, other times, it just takes one of the twin flames some time to give into their emotions and form that strong bond with you.

There are a few different ways you can help your twin flame open up.

First, you can show them the love they deserve.

You can tell them that they are special and that you feel a strong connection with them. This will open their hearts up to the possibility of love and allow them to trust their feelings.

Second, you just need to give them time. You see, sometimes twin flames have to go through some difficult things before they can get to the point where they feel like they have known each other for years.

They may not trust their feelings, so you need to give them time to experience those feelings and get used to them. They might not be feeling a strong bond with you right away, but it will come.

You can also do some soul searching of your own, and try to figure out why you are connecting with your twin flame this way.

It’s possible that there is something going on in your lives that is causing you to feel a strong connection with one of your twin flames.

What now?

Now that you know what to look for, you can keep an eye on your twin flame to determine whether or not they are aware of the connection.

If they are doing any of these things, don’t lose hope!

Your twin is simply in the process of realizing the connection. They might not be aware of what is happening yet, but with a bit of time, they will figure it out.

Hopefully, you should now have a good idea of twin flames and whether they know about your bond.

But if you’d still like to get more clarity on the situation, speaking to a gifted advisor is the best way to go.

I mentioned Psychic Source earlier. Based on my own personal experience with them, I know they’re the real deal. Their advisors are kind and genuinely helpful.

So, if you really want to get to the bottom of whether or not your twin flame knows about your connection, get in touch with an advisor and take your future into your own hands. I did, and it changed my life.

Click here to get your own love reading.

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