If your partner is willing to do these 14 things, they love you unconditionally

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You know how love can be tricky, right? Sometimes, it feels like a joyful ride, and other times, it’s a real brain teaser.

But no matter how confusing love might seem, there are some clear signs to tell if your partner truly loves you, no strings attached.

Here we have a list of 14 things. If your partner is doing these, they probably love you a lot. And we’re not talking about huge, show-offy stuff like expensive gifts.

We’re talking about small things that show they really care.

So, let’s get started and see if your partner is doing all the right things. 

1. They Really Listen to You

When we say ‘listen’, we don’t mean just nodding their head while you talk. We’re talking about active listening.

This means they are fully present and engaged when you’re speaking, they remember the little details you told them, and they show genuine interest in what you’re saying.

It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about your day at work or your favorite TV show, if they love you unconditionally, they’ll be all ears, because to them, your voice is the sweetest sound.

2. They Support Your Dreams and Goals

Love is not just about being there for the fun and easy times, it’s about standing by your side as you chase your dreams, no matter how big or small they might be.

If your partner loves you unconditionally, they will be your biggest cheerleader, always encouraging you and believing in you.

They understand that your dreams are important to you, and therefore, they are important to them too.

They’re not threatened by your success; instead, they celebrate it with you.

3. They Respect Your Personal Space

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about love, it’s that it doesn’t mean you have to spend every single moment together. For example, my partner knows how much I love my ‘me time’.

Whether it’s reading a book, going for a solo jog, or even just sitting alone with my thoughts, these moments of solitude are essential for me to recharge.

Instead of feeling neglected or insecure, my partner respects this need.

They understand that I’m not pushing them away, but simply taking care of myself.

Their love is not needy or clingy; they respect my personal space because they love me unconditionally.

4. They Apologize When They’re Wrong

Saying “I’m sorry” can be tough, but it’s a crucial part of any healthy relationship. If your partner loves you unconditionally, they won’t let pride get in the way of apologizing when they’ve made a mistake.

Individuals who are able to apologize after conflict are more likely to maintain and foster their relationship.

So if your partner is quick to say sorry and make amends, it’s a clear sign they are committed to keeping your relationship strong and harmonious.

5. They Always Make You Feel Loved

Unconditional love isn’t about grand gestures or extravagant surprises. It’s about the little things that make you feel cherished and valued every single day.

It’s the random ‘I love you’ text in the middle of a busy day, the warm hug after a tough day, or the way they look at you as though you’re the most precious thing in the world.

It’s these heartfelt moments that make you feel truly loved. 

6. They Are Your Safe Haven

I remember one particular instance when I was going through a tough time at work. Deadlines were piling up and stress was my constant companion.

But the moment I would get home and see my partner, a sense of calm would wash over me. Even amidst that chaos, they were my sanctuary, my safe place.

They always knew how to soothe my worries, reminding me that we were a team and we would face every challenge together.

Their presence alone made me feel secure and loved.

If your partner provides you with this kind of comfort and security, it’s a sure sign they love you unconditionally.

7. They Love Your Imperfections

Let’s get real. None of us are perfect. We all have habits that might be annoying, quirks that are a little weird, and days when we’re not at our best.

But when someone loves you unconditionally, they don’t just tolerate these imperfections, they genuinely love them.

They see these traits as what makes you uniquely ‘you’, and they wouldn’t change them for the world.

They know you’re not perfect, and they love you all the more for it. That’s raw, honest, unconditional love.

8. They Prioritize Your Happiness

When your partner loves you unconditionally, your happiness is their happiness.

Individuals tend to feel happier when they are able to make their partners happy. This is known as ‘vicarious happiness’.

So, if your partner is always striving to make you happy, it’s likely because your happiness brings them joy too – a sign of genuine, unconditional love.

9. They Stand By You Through Thick and Thin

When I fell seriously ill a few years back, it was a terrifying time for me.

But my partner was right there, holding my hand through every doctor’s appointment, every treatment, every sleepless night.

They could have walked away, but they chose to stay by my side and weather the storm with me.

That’s the thing about unconditional love – it doesn’t falter in the face of adversity.

If your partner sticks by you through life’s ups and downs, showing you support when you need it most, that’s a sure sign they love you unconditionally.

10. They’re Not Afraid to Be Vulnerable with You

Love isn’t always about strength; it’s also about vulnerability.

If your partner trusts you enough to open up about their deepest fears, insecurities, and dreams – that’s raw, honest love.

It shows they trust you with their heart, and that’s a sign of unconditional love.

11. They Forgive You

We all mess up sometimes.

But when your partner can forgive and let go of grudges, it shows they value your relationship more than the mistake.

It’s not always easy, but forgiveness is a hallmark of unconditional love.

12. They Put Effort Into the Relationship

Relationships need work, and if your partner is willing to put in the effort to keep things happy and healthy, that’s love in its rawest form.

They’re not just sticking around for the good times; they’re willing to work through the rough patches because they genuinely love you.

13. They Respect You

Respect is fundamental in a relationship.

If your partner respects your opinions, listens to your thoughts, and values your perspective – even when they disagree – they’re showing you raw, honest love.

14. They’re Proud to Be with You

Last but definitely not least, if your partner loves showing you off to the world, it speaks volumes about their love for you.

They’re proud to be with you and aren’t afraid to let everyone know. This is a sure sign of unconditional love – raw, honest and beautiful!

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